Saturday, October 31, 2009

last two day i was missed for watch micheal jackson's THIS IS IT!! I was going out with my dear cousin, wern, kickapoo, and bao. I think all of them were totally addicted to sing, it's like a drug, they're decided to sing again the next two day, and i said:" you all realy in drunk a? crazy a? i want to sleep at home! " "ok lo..." damn cute they are>< btw, we sang from 4 to 7, a normal sing's hour. But this was totally not enough for me, i 'm still not enough on it!! Fine, get home better. Anyway, i was missed the legend of earth. I swear, i won't miss it next time!!
around 2 something, walked outside to get bus. but this the last time! i 'll drive next time==
wern and me.
This is not wern, really not!!
me and wern>< crazy in fun
hei hei hei><
kickapoo, wern, me and bao. i love them so much, not kidding. They're my lovely cousin. Appreciate.
wern. kickapoo and me><
hey, waited for me.I've to go toilet.
me, kickapoo.
wern and me. She seems in drug==

Btw, all of us reached home at 9 at night. I was happy, even something bad still in my mind, appreciate. Wern is totally gradually get prettier and nicer, she was so happy when she knew i'm praising her. She was cute, that's why i love her so much. Cheer up in your next year uec, and all of you in my school, SPM STRAIGHT Asssss.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I wasn't feeling well today. Somemore, i couldn't sleep, so i'm here to update my blog. Feeling bad was just started from 9 something at night, year more this sucks feeling didn't came for visited me, i really felt that it was excited to annoy me whole night. I hate it seriously, so i will tried to stop it, immediately. Actually everything was just my fault, really, i'm thinking too much always, so please don't blame yourself. I hope to be your good fren, you can ask me her thing, tell me her thing, need my help to get something about her, or what at all. I'm here for you always, good good fren><

Well, i had a date with meisim, ying yao, ah liang, han ting and you cheng yesterday at time square. We had a sing in red box, low yat. Thanks ah liang and meisim that praise me singing so well!! I'm so happy. Furthermore, han ting had to get home earlier for 'ju fan zai'(what a good son) so he was not joined us to watch 'poker king' that act by louis koo and liu qing yun. 'Poker king' is funny, but not that nice i want, and i'm more prefer liu qing yun won the game at the last part, because i like him so much!! Another thing is, meisim had an idea that all of us watched 2012 together again, i would like to join it, i love them so much, love 4axin so much. Lastly, thanks meisim, appreciate for teached me a lot, hear me a lot and help me a lot. THANK YOU><

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


放假十天 除了在家闲晃 就是帮老妈做工 不然就是喝茶...就大前天的晚上吧 和朋友喝茶 他们就问我 : " 喂, 你知道陈宝莹和mary的弟弟死了吗?" 吓到!!! "真的假的? 怎样死的噢?" "两个在后芭那边赛摩多不懂撞到什么死的" "又赛车?" 我说 "是啦 mary哭到..."

我以前和宝莹感情还不错的 可是自从我在吉隆波读书后 就没有联络了...弟弟死了 还不哭疯咩 妈的...想到这里 就想到我哥哥..他们是赛摩多嘛 我哥就是飞车 我哥驾车曾的是无法形容拉 他妈的坐他的车会哭达==

其实说真的 我很怕我哥哥有一天真的出事 就像我朋友的弟弟一样 一撞升天 什么都不必说...真的 没有机会回头 我不想我哥是第二个 我爸妈随时崩溃...这不是像孩子玩泥沙 这是赌注 赌生命的赌注...所以 妈的你们有了驾照也不要乱乱来啊 我即使没有驾照驾车也是安全的一流哦>< 真的 不可以开玩笑啊我的朋友 安全驾驶最重要!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

secret recipe 17/10/09

samantha's birthday party was held on 17 october 2009 in ioi mall, secret recipe. so actually we have to wish her happy belated birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, SAM THE DOG. wish you happy always.all the photo can be seen in my facebook. Alright, i get there by bus, alone, because i'm not in kl.Well, the first who was get there are michelle, wanjing, nicky and stephanie.and then me, leon, sityee, ziting, qixin, lixiu, qian xian, hong gei, debbie, yee yan, qing yan kherjia, pei yun, shi wei, yik yong and other i forgot==.

The most suprise was hong gei coming back>< he is still cute but taller than me, glad about that. Leon, i came also. he is still handsome and act like a photograhper, i think sam should thanks him a lot. next, qian xian get there also. suprise to see him. We lost contact two years ago when he change school. I love this party so much because i met my old fren. So qian xian, keep in touch ya.

Alright, sam, nicky, hazel, yik yong, lixiu, me, dominic and hong gei watched 'pandorum' after that on 4.40pm. I don't understand the story line== and felt asleep inside. it's okay. everybody gone after the movie, but i had to wait for my brother until 8++. Well, three of us(lixiu, yik yong, me)spend the time in the snooker club. There is not funny for me== because i don't know how to play.

Anyway, i am happy. And happy belated birthday to samantha!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


samantha's birthday party is just around the corner, but i'm still suffering in her birthday gift== it's ok, have a walked in parkson which near by my uncle's house...That's a small parkson, hopeless. BUT, god bless me, finally i got this from "PERFUME WORLD" which being a very "shine" feng shui place that no one can see it easily...thanks god>< christian dior is finally chosen. Damn! i like it so much, i'll bought another one for sam and use this myself if i still enough money.i just left only 20++
dior addict RM200++

i love it==

alright, after finish my walk, my dear cousin sister finish her school. me, her and guan(fren) had decided to go bukit tinggi jusco last night, so actually i'm just waiting for them in parkson. normally, i'll bought the gift in bukit tinggi because parkson is nothing, but i already bought la. so, we sing! green box!

is me! my cousin sister><



guan, and us><

yeah, nice day!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

tagged by JUNNIAN

(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。
(5) 另加 --> 我想更了解你所以没有部落格的 如可以 请信息回复我被点到的::

1. 媚媚
3. 兽人
4. 宝殷
5. stitch
6. 淑思
7. 诗茗
8. 美倩
9. 翰廷
10. 得胜

02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]::男
03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]:: 上网吧==
04- [ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]::大把
05-[ 7号姓氏? ]:: 曾
06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]::不错吧
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]::

08-[ 承上2号呢? ]:: 好人
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]::我忘了
10-[ 3号10号是朋友吗? ]::是
11-[ 8号的生日是? ]:: 不知==
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]::中华独中
13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]::今年读同班 还坐一起==
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]:: 2到3个月
15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]:: 吃肉骨茶算不算
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]:: 不错吧
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]:: 不错啦>
18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]
19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]:: 不错勒>
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]::朋友爱

1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: 俊年
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 初二到现在
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: ok吧
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: 互zat关系==
5.你覺得他(她)的個性如何:: 傻人>< 6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: 跟华敏比一百米

問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会
答 : 当然是先骂那个人

問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会
答 : 帮他咯>< 問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : 脚车=)

問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : 会>< 問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : 哪里知道==

問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : 浪漫吧

問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 会

問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : 有

問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : 慧琳!

問 : 有人说该減肥了 你会
答 : 当然减啊==

問 : 自恋 適合你吗
答 : 还好吧><


今天星期四考完试 很开心哦>< 我和采凌一起走出去 我看到很多人都出街 可是我并没有这种心情== 如果换作是以前我一早就冲着出...另外 今天超没心情 本来要去搞诗茗的礼物 她妈的给我放飞机 所以再叫另外一个朋友陪我...结果我们因为另外一件事吵架了 搞不成... 决定回巴生的家 一个人回家的途中 我经过了一间叫central market的地方...这个地方我第一次去 也许很多人都去过 是很普通的一个地方 可是我第一次觉得马来西亚有这么一个地方让我喜欢 那边有很多我们三大种族文化的地方>< 还有我们国家的特点 我还看到两个帅的外国佬!!!
我们国家的特色-royal selangor...
接下来 都是我看到最喜欢的...

这里给我的感觉很恐怖 很神秘...真的不敢走进去==

其实一个人出去可以发现不同的东西...这和我梦寐以求的背包旅行一样 看到不同的东西会启发不同的想法 这让我的视野变广...妈的 我不去我的意大利不行了 不过我绝对会带我家两老一起去 放心吧 我亲爱的家人!!! 所以 我美丽的意大利 等着我吧!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

first post!

chia's first blog is now create!! thanks for viewing my blog, and appreciate hong mei's help that borrow me her beautiful ladtop for me to finish this first blog. first, economics test i can't do it well today, malay is full of grammar mistake, everything not getting well today. But luckily, today i go mei's house for study. her brother who only 2 years old, really crazy, terribly cute!! not kidding.
on the way home after finish school, baby(hong mei's brother) suddenly shouted:"arh! i want xuxu." he was not wearing any pampas that time. so, aunt stopped the car!! and hong mei done this thing.

mei carry her brother xuxu-ing beside the road><>

first, sitting


ah!so cute..

The second i want to say, let guess, who is this?! the way we "ponteng" for eating bak kut teh outside. Me, hong mei, michelle, andrew and han ting...that's a great nice morning><
this is not han ting..

And after finish the catherine's tips tuition, i invite them to move to my house. but all of them decided to go the playground that opposite my house.

yi zhuang is lan-yenging, han ting swing without controlling,
and michelle stop immediately when she knew i'm taking photo.

they keep swing~

and swing~

i want to thanks my parents, my brother, thanks mei qian for teaching me. Finally, i've done my blog.i've using whole the day to create a very short blog.i'm being successfully.anyway, thank you you all very much><